asbestos testing and analysis

Have we got asbestos?
The simple answer is that without taking a sample and sending it to a specialist laboratory, your guess is as good as ours.
Asbestos has been widely used throughout the world in many different applications and whilst some products such as corrugated asbestos containing roof sheeting installed back in the 50's and 60's can normally be strongly presumed to contain asbestos, there are many other products that look similar that don't. For example the alternative non asbestos containing corrugated fibre cement boarding produced after asbestos was finally banned in the UK in 1999, once weathered looks very similar.
For this very reason, Ferncroft, not only recognise's your concerns, but also, that you may only require a particular product checking for the possibility of it containing asbestos.
Our fully trained and insured, asbestos surveying teams are on hand to attend your premises take a sample as required. All you have to do is give us a call and we will do the rest.

Ferncroft Environmental, now have available their all inclusive asbestos sample test kits, which includes everything you require to safely take a sample, including full instructions, ppe, waste disposal bags for used ppe, postage, packaging, the cost of the analysis at a UKAS accredited laboratory, returning the results and advising you on what to do next.
Source: Health and Safety Executive (UK)
Sampling asbestos materials
Sampling does not require an asbestos licence.
If it has already broken off, you can take the sample yourself if there is no risk of spreading debris or exposing yourself to dust.
Watch where you walk!
Dampen the sample
Place it in a self-sealing polythene bag
Put this in a second self-sealing bag.
Label it.
Make arrangements for analysis by a UKAS accredited asbestos-testing laboratory.
Each sample kit comes complete with all the required ppe, sample bags and cost of the analysis at a UKAS Lab, together with reporting back with the results . Additional samples ca be purchased from our online shop when ordering a sample kit.
For additional samples the required testing and sample bags will be included within the sample kits.
If you require any further information, then please call us on 01724 712663 or email us at
You can't always tell whether a material is cement or AIB, without further testing. The mechanism used to determine what the materiel is, is called 'Water Absorption Testing.
Its a test that takes a coupe of days to dry out the sample and then check to see how much water it absorbs.
< 30% - Cement Product
> 30% - Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB)
In layman's terms a cement product is non licensable, whereas, AIB requires removal by a licensed asbestos removal contractor.

What is Testing?
Testing basically involves a sample of the suspect material being taken, placed into sealed container, labelled and taken to a UKAS accredited laboratory for determination under controlled conditions. Here the sample is microscopically checked for containing fibres, which if present and using a series of stain dispersion techniques the fibres are then analysed under polarised light for determination. A bit like checking for DNA
When the fibres are mounted in a refractive index liquid, unique to the type of asbestos being checked and then placed under a microscope and polarised light shone through, asbestos is identified if present.
Once the results of the samples are known we report back with the independent and impartial findings.
How long does Testing take?
Generally, samples take approximately 5 days to turn around from receipt of them. Obviously if we take the samples we would have them and would take care of the whole process.
Samples not taken by us would need to be placed into a suitable container, (i.e self seal poly bags) clearly labelled and then placed into a second container and sealed.
Can I take my own Samples?
We get asked this all the time, and are answer is always the same, asbestos is a known human carcinogen, which is perfectly safe when left undisturbed, without breakage, however once the fibres become airborne, then the potential risk of exposure is a possibility. The UK Health and safety Executive (HSE) advise that you can take the sample yourself providing it is already broken off and that there is no risk of spreading the debris or exposing yourself to the dust.
Asbestos Testing Kit?
To help you to take your sample safely, we have prepared a self contained sample kit which you can purchase from our online shop or by calling the office.
The sample kit come complete and within the cost includes everything required for you to take the sample safely, including, instructions, personal protective equipment (PPE), sample bags, the UKAS lab test, prepaid envelope and the cost of the disposal of the ppe after use.