Asbestos Surveys
asbestos surveys | sampling | testing services

Managing Asbestos
At Ferncroft, we understand the importance of being fully compliant where health and safety is concerned and dealing with asbestos is no exception. Asbestos is one of those things that we have all heard of, but the very word still carries that fear factor. We like to think that we are not just responsible, but independent and impartial, willing to help and share our knowledge where we can.
With over 40 years of experience in the management, removal and control of asbestos we like to think we have gained some knowledge and experience.

Why have our buildings surveyed?
Well first of all if you are the owner, occupier or person responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Non domestic premises, then you are classed as the Duty Holder.
As a Duty Holder it is your responsibility to find locate and record all asbestos containing materials within those premises for which you have control over.
Where organisations have large portfolios of buildings they will need to identify and select an ‘Appointed Person’ to manage the asbestos within their properties and manage the companies ‘Asbestos Management Plan’ and register.

What’s the Risk?
Large amounts of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were used for a wide range of construction purposes in new and refurbished buildings until 1999 when all use of asbestos was banned. This extensive use means that there are still many buildings in Great Britain which contain asbestos. Where asbestos materials are in good condition and unlikely to be disturbed they do not present a risk.
However, where the materials are in poor condition or are disturbed or damaged, asbestos fibres are released into the air, which, if breathed in, can cause serious lung diseases, including cancers.
Workers who disturb the fabric of buildings during maintenance, refurbishment, repair, installation and related activities may be exposed to asbestos every time they unknowingly work on ACMs or carry out work without taking the correct precautions.
The purpose of managing asbestos in buildings is to prevent or, where this is not reasonably practicable, minimise exposure for these groups of workers and other people in the premises.
To prevent this exposure, information is needed on whether asbestos is, or is likely to be, present in the buildings, so that an assessment can be made about the risk it presents and appropriate measures put in place to manage those risks.
To be legislative compliant for the purposes of satisfying regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012), the minimum that the Duty Holder has to do is have a ‘Management Survey’ provide no major works are to take place such as refurbishment and or demolition in which case as the name suggests a ‘Refurbishment Survey’ and / or ‘Demolition Survey’ will be required.
Health and Safety Guidance, HSG 264; Asbestos the survey guide, is a great place to start If you need more information, feel free to click on any of the following links.

Asbestos Management Plans
Asbestalog Surveying Software
Asbestos Management Surveys
Asbestos Refurbishment Surveys
Asbestos Demolition Surveys
Asbestos Sample Kits
Asbestos Sampling Services
Asbestos Testing


